Attention Employers!
Are these Statements
in your Workplace?
Respect is evident between all generations.
Strong soft skills are in play.
There is an understanding about how personal decisions impact professional reputation.
Employees know how to positively address conflict and disengage in drama.
Workplace etiquette is practiced by all: the importance of respect and honesty, making introductions, and business meals.
According to the research conducted by the Center for Generational Kinetics ( as published in their 2023 State of Gen Z report, the following is true:
Gen Z often has less work experience than other generations did at their age, yet Gen Z has incredible potential to flourish when leaders provide them with a safe and knowledgeable foundation that values the generation for both where they are now and for what they can become.” (Pg 5: The State of GEN Z 2023)
“Our national study found that Gen Z believes a leader can most positively impact their life if they believe in them (55%), inspire them to grow (53%), and provide them with good advice (51%). This means when leaders are thinking about their leadership strategy, approach, metrics, programs, and tools, the key thing to focus on with Gen Z is delivering the intangibles that the generation seeks rather than a fancier title or motivational trinkets.
Investment of $350.00 Includes:
An etiquette luncheon with a keynote speaker.
Each participant will develop an action plan for collaboration with their supervisor.
Prior to the event your team will participate in a discovery call to identify pain points.
After the event your team and employee will participate in a follow-up debriefing call.